Before my natural progression into becoming a PR, I really believed it was all about being a Press Rep. And my perception was that PR was all darling this and darling that…
PR to me now is all about Public Relations and that means that I have a connection and conversation with the press, new media, influencers, writers, journalists and peers and your audiences. I can make magic happen by acting as conduit, channel and liaison.
The magic is when new projects get created through brokering a conversation or I inspire people to connect to the cause and support the mission as well as getting targeted and great press. I can do my ‘public relations’ best when I have the whole picture, I am briefed on the strategic direction of the organisation and also on a longer-term retainer.
As your PR, I act as an ambassador for your work and organisation. It has been remarkable to experience the lasting effects of great PR work on the organisations I have worked with, in this way. Just don’t expect me to look like Patsy and Edina darling…