I’m proud to partner with these talented professionals to deliver the work

Annie Bacon
Annie works with me on selected PR and Deeper Work projects and supports strategy, research and delivery.
Annie is a communications specialist and creative producer. We first started working together when Annie was the client, and I was the PR for Bedford Creative Arts (BCA). We had a brilliant working relationship and achieved a lot, including some epic global coverage for BCA and their artist Quilla Constance as part of Processions 2018. Annie works as a freelance communications specialist and works with me on projects requiring strategic insight, vision and creative thinking.
Annie has a fantastic nose for a story and cut her teeth, way back, as Communications and Brand Manager at Microsoft, before moving into the arts. She’s worked for Artes Mundi International Art Prize, Wysing Arts Centre, Iniva (Institute of International Visual Arts) and in Asia for Singapore Tyler Print Institute. Her favourite projects are those with social change at their heart, and she brings a wealth of communications and business experience.

Secoura Grim
Research and Admin Assistant
Secoura joins The Space inBetween to support our clients with research and administration. Based in Manchester, she is a freelance marketing expert who works with various organisations and artists across the arts and culture sector, including Olympias Music Foundation, Paradise Works, and the artist Marikiscrycrycry.

David MacGregor
David is my Virtual Assistant. He manages contracts, invoicing and reporting as well as being an all round wizard in everything.
He has been supporting small business owners since 2008. But he hasn’t always done this – he once lived in a jungle chasing monkeys.
Find out more about David here.
I also work with a team of skilled researchers to create bespoke databases for individual clients. This could include VIP’s, influencers as well as writers and publications.