An artist might have a huge stroke of luck (backed up by diligent hard work and much persistence) and land themselves a brilliant opportunity for a commission, residency or exhibition. For some artists, an exhibition, commission or residency can be the first solo or opportunity they’ve had for a while, and they will be putting all their attention and time into making great work for it.
However, when there is no PR or poor PR, it completely fails them in the possibility of developing their career by leveraging and growing from that amazing opportunity. They lose the ability to raise their profile and visibility to a broader and diverse audience of people who might buy, commission or show their work.
The simple call to action here is for artists: add PR to your funding applications and budgets so PRs can fight your corner for you while you are busy creating your work. And a call to action for commissioners: seek out the most appropriate PR who can support the artist – while also raising your organisation’s profile and visibility.
It has the potential for a glorious win-win after all.
The inspiration for this Top Tip’s post comes from artists messaging me on social media desperate for some advice or help and how to make the most out of an opportunity when they have been faced with poor or no PR support.